Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Spending lots of time with middle and high school girls has given me lots of time to ponder their lives.  What will become of them?  Will they drop off the face of the earth next week?  Will they start a Bible study at their school?  How long will they get distracted by this boy?

I should also note that I'm a worst-case scenario kind of girl.  In my brain, if I can figure out how to handle the worst thing that could happen, then I will be able to handle anything in-between here and there.  This lends itself to some pretty depressing outcomes when I consider 'my girls'.

That worst-case scenario?  Not that they would dress trashy.  Not that they would get pregnant.  Not that they would get their heart broken.

One of my biggest fears for my girls is that they would grow up and lead silly, frivolous lives devoid of eternal meaning but full of comfort, all the while thinking they are serving Jesus.

Let's unpack that, shall we?

'silly, frivolous lives' - I fear that the most important thing to happen to them in a day would be a change to the Starbucks menu.  I fear that they would worry more about their hair than their heart.  I fear that they would only put enough effort into relationships to ensure that others like them.

'devoid of eternal meaning' - I fear that they would care not to participate in Kingdom work.  I fear that they would live in a perpetual state of YOLO, careless of the consequences or worth of their actions.  I fear they'd miss out on the holy eternity that is happening in every moment.

'full of comfort' - I fear they will never know the name and story of someone struggling with poverty.  I fear they would only pray for safe travel and good weather.  I fear they would never know what it is to depend on God for their needs.

'all the while thinking they are serving Jesus' - Ah, this is the deepest fear of them all.  The rest of it isn't quite so lethal without being combined with this lie.  I fear that they will live their lives for themselves and call themselves Christians.  I fear they will miss it - miss this radical grace that has turned the world on its head.  I fear they will not fear eternity as they should.  That they would not look upon their Creator with awe.

The rest of life's messes at least bring us to our knees, searching for hope.  What if my girls grow up and think they don't need the hope that Jesus offers?

This is why I am in youth ministry.


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