So it's a typical Saturday in our home, except that nothing in life is typical. We finally got internet, after the Hubs found a deal. I did the laundry, he cooked, I cleaned, he left for a bachelor party and I figured out how to stream Netflix instantly.
I got caught up into a show called Hoarders from A&E. Basically, it's an intervention show for people with hoarding issues, which stem from depression, poor organizational skills and various forms of OCD. This motivated me to clean my house a little more, and I also sent my mom an email about getting together some extra kitchen stuff to donate to a mission that our church supports.
So instead of working on my talk for tomorrow night, I'm sitting at home thinking about the value we attach to stuff. I just asked Hubs the other day if we could get more decorations. And he said no (big surprise, there), because he doesn't like clutter and there's so many more things that will have lasting effect that we could spend money on. Like paying off our cars. Or saving for the house we'd both like to build one day. Or helping to send one of our youth kids to Haiti this spring.
So why do I have this need to buy a fall wreath for the back door that we never use? Why do people accumulate stuff on top of stuff and get put on a TV show? I think it's part of our compulsion to self-soothe, the need to make everything look good on the outside because we think it will make everything feel good inside. We don't trust that God can change us, can form us, can heal us.
Part of why I started this blog is because I'm trying to learn to trust in God's sovereign hand to heal, change and mold me. I do love Him, and I have committed my life to Him. But faith is a daily thing, it's something that we work out with fear and trembling. It's something I'm learning day by day.
Welcome to the journey.