Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday is the best day of my month.  Because our pastor loves us and wants to take care of the staff that routinely work weekends and more than a little bit of overtime.  So, the last Tuesday of every month, we get a bonus day off.  It's spectacular because I can sleep in, bake, read, make Hubs a great dinner and still have time for a nap or some guilty pleasure TV.

It's lovely.

Today I woke up and my clock read 8:43 am.

8:43 am has never looked that good.

Today, I enjoyed my two cups of coffee as I watched a rainstorm rage.  I tried out a new sugar cookie recipe that claimed to taste like Eat N' Park Smiley Cookies.  I went to Target to print out some of our wedding pictures (finally).  I made homemade calzones for dinner.  I watched a couple (maybe 4) episodes of Bones on Netflix.  I got a couple of errands done, too.

I know that someday I won't be able to sleep in and take the time out of an afternoon to watch TV.  Someday, I'll be waking up early to feed our kids breakfast.  Someday, a hot cup of coffee will be a rare treat.  Someday, a long hot shower is going to be perhaps even rarer.  So today, I treasure the simple gifts in life that I won't always have.  These will be replaced by even more precious gifts - of the laughter of children, family dinners with spilled milk, sleepless nights cleaning up puke and endless loads of laundry.

Someday.  But for now, I'll enjoy my coffee.


  1. Sigh, I love to read what you have to write. Keep it up!

  2. so did they taste like eat n' park?

  3. They were a little bland. I think too much flour. But I'm trying again this weekend, so I'll let you know! If they turn out better, I'll post the recipe.


Let me know what you think - I love comments!