Two years ago today, I met the love of my life.
Today, we're married, he's at work and I'm going to use my day off to figure out how to make him a carrot cake from scratch. But two years ago, I had just moved back to PA after a couple years living in California and he was subbing here and there while working as a TSS a couple days a week. I had just moved in with my friend Kristin from college and her fiancee Ryan was having a party for his mom's birthday which he had invited all of his friends to. When we moved in together, Kristin and I made a deal - I would teach her how to cook and she would introduce me to people in the area so I could have some friends outside of church. I was actually pretty nervous about going, but I thought it was just going to be a couple of people, so I got over my nervousness and asked Kristin what I was supposed to bring. She told me beer. So, I stopped at the drive-through beer distributor and got a case of Yuengling.
Hubs says now that he noticed me as soon as I walked in the door, because any pretty girl that came bearing a case of good beer was ok in his book. It took me a little longer to notice him. We started talking (I honestly don't remember who started the conversation, but I'm willing to bet it was him) and I found out he was a teacher, that he could cook and that he made his own pierogies from scratch. I kept my eye on him that night, and observed that he had absolutely beautiful blue eyes, that he was a pretty laid back guy and that he was really nice and welcoming in the most honest way. He offered me his coat (a work-stained Carhartt) because I was cold and asked me questions about myself . I remember that after a while, it seemed like if the rest of the party was inside, we would be outside on the deck and when everyone else came outside for some fresh air, we would meander our way inside.
After all that, I was still surprised when a week later, Kristin told me that she had received a text from him asking for my number. You see, I had just moved from California, a land where the decent guys were taken and the rest were idiots, potheads or had no life plan and just wanted to surf all day. I wasn't used to a nice guy actually taking initiative. Actually, what I was used to was nice guys liking other girls and thanking me for being such a good friend to talk about their girl issues with. So, I freaked. Instead of giving him my number, I wanted Kristin to set up a double date with her and Ryan to be the awkwardness buffers. But after a couple of weekends of that plan falling through for one reason or another, he called me (Kristin had her fill with being our go-between and made us talk like actual adults) and said that he thought I had wanted to learn how to make pierogies, so why couldn't he just come over and teach me. Well, I thought, a cooking lesson surely isn't a date, so we planned for a Monday night. We cooked, flirted and had a lot of fun doing both. At one point, a piece of hair had fallen into my face, but my hands were doughy, so he tucked it behind my ear. It was a that moment that I decided I liked him.
Things just kind of took off after that, and I'm so glad that they did. When I found out that his parents still celebrate the anniversary of the day they met (Jan 12th, at a frat party, if I remember correctly), we did some homework to try to pinpoint the exact day that we had met. Thus, a tradition is continued.
Happy Anniversary, Hubs. And here's to many more together. I love you!
Love this...and love your story. You two are so stinking cute!!! Happy Anniversary!