Thursday, November 4, 2010

Well You Had a Bad Day

Sometimes you just have one of those days.  One of those days that makes you glad you have a beer waiting at home for you in the fridge.  One of those days when you just want to go home and eat the sprinkles right from the container because you want comfort food, but not enough to actually bake the brownies.  Here were some of my highlights:

8:20am - stop in at Lowe's on my way to the office for supplies for a prayer labyrinth I'm putting together.  The lady goes into the back to get what I need, and comes out with the wrong thing because they don't have enough of the right thing, but I think I can make it work, so I press on.

8:45 - start editing a video I'll need for high school club on Sunday so it's done and I can work on labyrinth stuff.  Get interrupted several times by coworker who is on a cleaning rampage asking if she can throw away stuff that's been in the office for a year or more.  Get annoyed, but get over it because at least our office is getting cleaned.

9:23 - take a break to help co-workers tape up a giant picture of Joel Osteen onto our boss's wall (it's about 5' tall).  giggle about our spectacular decorating skills.

10:00 - finally finish the movie after what seemed like 80,000 interruptions, multiple of which included arguing about whether it's too soon to play Christmas music or decorate for said holiday (which I think should be reserved for post-Thanksgiving)

10:02 - send out mass email to every parent of a high school student trying to convince them it's a good idea for their kid to come to our spiritual development overnight retreat next weekend.  wonder when I'll actually have time to work on the retreat and labyrinth that goes with it..

10:30 - an adult volunteer shows up at church to talk about our spring mission trip to Haiti.  I spend almost the next hour talking with her.

11:20 - head to the kitchen to scope out some free cheesecake on of the guys had leftover from a meeting last night.  cherish the fact that someone created pumpkin cheesecake, then eat my leftover lasagna for lunch.

12:05 - while eating lunch, answer phone calls & emails.  get interrupted by the same adult volunteer who is meeting with my boss and I need to be in on that meeting as well.

12:45 - realize that there is a HUGE mailing that I need to get out tomorrow.  fight with printer (which I'm convinced is possessed by Satan himself.) to make 400 copies of a letter.  jam the printer, unjam it, pray and vow to research office supply exorcism.

1:15 - mild panic attack because I think it's 2:15 and I'm late to pick up students after school.  realize I still have an hour.  celebrate.  realize I'm not going to get anything done for the labyrinth today.  mope.  inwardly curse printer and mailings in general.

1:30 - attempt to elicit help from co-workers to fold and stuff 400 letters into envelopes.  mild failure.  scavenge for midol, or at least ibuprofen for cramps.

1:40 - realize that the postcard I've designed to go out with the letters will not fit in the envelopes.  consider crying in the bathroom for the rest of the day.  edit postcard instead.

1:55 - jam the printer.  again.  curse the printer and life in general.

2:10 - throw the mailing, in it's various forms of readiness, onto my desk and leave to pick up students after school.  vow to come in early tomorrow morning so that my day won't be sucked away by administrative details.

2:30 - pick up students, one who is obviously not feeling all that great.  take them to McDonald's for sweet tea, because I can't have a beer.

3:15 - leave McDonald's to take sick student home.

3:30 - meet up with a a half dozen other people and drive to downtown Pittsburgh to serve in an after-school program

4:15 - find out that I'm expected to keep 9 third graders in line while leading an exercise and game time.  realize that one boy is fixated with my boobs.

4:55 - realize I'm old, not flexible, and that I should work out more because doing jumping jacks and planks with third graders tired me out.

5:20 - on way home from the city, get a text from the sick kid.  he threw up.

5:50 - finally get to go home after giving a girl a ride home

6:15 - open beer and sit still for 5 minutes

6:20 - google recipe for hamloaf.  make dinner.  realize that the kitchen is really dirty.  clean kitchen with abandon & pay bills.  realize my paycheck is pretty much already gone.

7:30 - Hubs gets home.  he had a bad day, too.  commiserate over hamloaf.

8:45 - go to the bathroom and see that I've leaked onto my second favorite pair of jeans.  consider hiding in bathroom and crying again.

9:30 - decide that a day like this should be blogged about so that tomorrow, I can feel even better that it's over.  Hubs gives me a long hug and tells me he loves me. I  remember how thankful I am for a husband that loves me even when it's not easy, a God that gives life a greater purpose than making a day successful and for friends who will laugh with me about the absurd days.


  1. Oh Jenna,
    Thanks for being real and sharing when life is hard. You are loved.

  2. Sorry you had such a crappy day. Next time your day sucks, come vent to me. I understand the hell of mailings...

    PS I love you lots.


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