Saturday, March 19, 2011


I've recently come to admit some addictions in my life.

Caffiene.  Since giving up coffee for Lent, I have had consistent reminders to pray, and those reminders have been my headaches.  Yup, I'm chemically dependent on caffiene.  And, I've got to say, I will most likely continue this, though perhaps in lesser amounts, after Easter.  It's just so good!

Grey's Anatomy.  The show is little more than a soap opera, but I can't stop.  I'm on season 5 already.  If that's not sad enough, I have been known to watch several 43-minute episodes in a row.  Please feel free to mock me openly.  I just can't stop!

Jackie's candy drawer.  Jackie is our pastor's assistant, and she is the sweetest grandma around.  She also has the sweetest desk, stocked with Sam's Club-sized bags of M&M's, mini Snickers, Twizzlers, and more.  I've really been trying to stay away, really I have.  But with the tiredness and headaches from the caffeine addiction, I've been making loyal trips to see Jackie.

I need to get addicted to healthy things, like reading my Bible, or exercising, or calling my mom.  But I think I'll watch an episode of Grey's first.

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