Materials needed:
plenty of hot tea
good, entertaining yet slightly mindless TV, preferably instantly streaming sans commercials
drugs, lots of drugs - I'm rocking Tylenol Severe Cold & Sinus
comfy sweatpants, slippers optional
easy access to snacks - I recommend dry cereal
Step one: load up on medicine
Step two: do one small chore, like the dishes or load up the washer with laundry. Small chores not only give you a sense of accomplishment, but keep you from getting too tired in the meantime.
Step three: watch an episode of TV while drinking tea. TV is the key - movies are too long to get anything done between them.
Repeat steps two and three until it's time to do step one again
Hopefully, by the end of the day, I'll feel better and the house will be clean. Hopefully.
One more tip...the TV show should be one that you're ok with sleeping through. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. :)