Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Well, not "going to the racetrack with Gramma" gambling.  But we're gambling just the same.

We put in an offer on a house last week, only to have it rejected.  So we submitted a second offer, only to be told that there are now two other people who want the house, and we were to submit our best offer and the bank will decide from there.

So we thought and prayed and I freaked out (a lot) and submitted our best offer.  And let's be honest, I'm still sitting here freaking out.  I don't know if our offer is good enough.  I don't know if we'll get the house.  I don't know where we'll be living in a couple of months.  I'm torn between trusting that God has a plan and relentlessly asking myself if this might be it.  I know that worrying and re-thinking everything will do no good and will only result in lost sleep.

So I will pray, and I'll probably worry, and I will absolutely spend too much time on dumb stuff tonight, like googling dog breeds and looking up stuff on Pinterest.

Lord, help me.

1 comment:

  1. exciting times! i know it feels like a gamble, but I promise you can't loose - if you don't get this one there will be many others - and the one that becomes HOME will be just right! praying for you!


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