Thursday, September 8, 2011


We signed the papers for our new home last week!!

I'll just give you a minute to celebrate.

It all happened really fast.  Our realtor emailed us info on a few houses last Tuesday and we made an appointment to see one on Thursday.  I had work, so Hubs went to check it out.  He loved it, called me, and we put in an offer.  I went after work to look at it with my in-laws and received a great counteroffer, which we accepted.  Told you it went quick!  Now we're in the process of giving our mortgage guy any and all personal information, going through a house inspection/haggling process and who knows what else.

It's a 100-year old Colonial and the last owner made awesome updates like putting in closets, adding a second bathroom and updating the wiring. Also some not so awesome updates like faux brick wallpaper.

If all goes well (which I'm not necessarily expecting to happen), we'll close at the end of October and be moved in enough to have Thanksgiving at our new home!  How appropriate that the first family celebration will be one of giving thanks to our God who provides. 

More details to come as we move through this process.  :)

1 comment:

  1. woot woot!

    removing wallpaper tip 101 - get one of those sprayers they use in the garden - the ones you pump up (make sure it was never used for chemicals) - fill w/ warm water, pump, spray on a section of your wall, leave it for about 10 minutes, come back and find that it comes off in about 1/3 of the time it normally takes - and you don't have a heavy stupid steamer to haul around the room. We did my girlfriends whole house in one day with lots of breaks for lunch and coffee :)

    Congratulations again!!!


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