2 years ago, I married my favorite guy on the face of the planet. I call him Hubs. Here he is looking particularly lovely with our anniversary tier.
You may say, "Silly woman, you're supposed to eat that on your one year anniversary!" And you would be right. But here I am on our first anniversary:
I was in Haiti, leading a student trip, and yes, that little kid thought I was hilarious. Or he wanted my sunglasses, I'm not sure.
So we forgot about our anniversary tier in his parent's deep freeze for a while, then it seemed weird to eat it not on an anniversary, so we just put it off until our second. It for sure tasted WAY better back in 2010, but it wasn't as bad as I feared.
Our marriage has actually grown sweeter. We started a great tradition last year (after I got back from Haiti) - we light our unity candle that we lit during our wedding ceremony, pray, and talk about how we've grown in the past year. This year I told Hubs, "I think I like you better now than I did then." I like him a lot, both then and now. But I think we are learning to love each other even better than we did as we stood in front of friends and family 2 years ago.
In other news, we got a car on our anniversary! Not as a normal anniversary gift, just as a replacement for Hubs' car that pooped out on him and we happened to have time to go get one on our anniversary.
(We were parked to take this picture, moms. You raised safe drivers!) It's the nicest car he's ever owned, and he refuses to let it get dirty. Which is great, until he started asking to take my car to Lowe's when he was filthy from working in the front yard all day. Different story. Anyway, it's a Chevy Malibu, and we love it. Low mileage, lots of room, and low gas mileage.
So that's how we celebrated our second year of marriage. Car shopping, candlelight dinner at home, old frozen cake and prayer for our marriage.
I think we'll do it again next year. The celebrating, not the car shopping or the gross cake. But definitely the prayer.
happy happy anniversary! I think I've liked year three particularly well, so you're in for a treat!