Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm 17. No, wait, I'm 43.

Sometimes, I wonder how I got this old.  I'm closer to 30 than 20.  It takes effort to stay awake past 10:30.  I'm getting wrinkles.  I have gray hair.  Not a lot, but enough that I've stopped plucking it out of my head.  A girl at an after-school program I volunteer for asked me, "Miss Jenna, why don't you act like a kid anymore?" because I wouldn't slide down an angled concrete slab. 

Sometimes, I wonder why I can't grow up as fast as other folks around me.  I still fidget incessantly.  I would rather eat cereal/mac&cheese/popcorn for dinner than 'real food'.  I never remember to send birthday cards.  And I still break out.  Real zits, people.  Like you had when you were 17.  Only now it's weird that I still need to use as much coverup as I do. 

I think it seriously unfair that I currently have gray hair and zits.  Really?  Both?  Must my head exhibit my split-age personality so clearly?  

If I'm going to get gray hair can I not have some wisdom as well?  And if my face looks like I'm 17, can't the rest of my body follow suit?

(me & my friend Linsey, circa 10th grade)
(you're welcome) 

(my mom & I...aka: what I'll look like in 25 years)

 Oh the joys of life.


1 comment:

  1. I'm seriously fighting the urge to eat mac & cheese for dinner. Or chips and salsa. I haven't decided.


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