Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our New Toy

As a not-quite-Christmas present, we received a free elliptical!

See, my mentor, Kathy, is a healthy person.  Not an annoying super-skinny, beautiful "I can eat anything I want" people.  Just someone who really cares about her health and works hard towards keeping her body in it's best working condition.  She is a single mom who can't work out at home without constant "Hey mom, can you..." interruptions, so she goes to a gym.  Thus, her old home gym equipment was getting little use.  So when I told her that we were asking for an elliptical from my parents for Christmas, she said to not bother - as long as we could get a truck and another strong guy to help move it, it was ours.

So, while neither Hubs or I are really New Years Resolution kind of people (too cliche, and really, if you need to make a change in your life, don't wait until January to do it), we happened to acquire it right around the end of the year.  And since then, we've actually been doing pretty good!  Well, he's been doing better than me, to be honest.  He has most mornings off (he works in the afternoon/evening), so I'm not too jealous.

It's been funny to think about how hard it is for us to make decisions that are good for us.  I know that I should get more exercise - the benefits are proven beyond doubt.  But it's still difficult for me to wake up in the morning or change into sneakers when I get home.  So if a better-lived healthy life isn't motivation enough for me, what is?


Sad, but true, I am more likely to work out if I'm watching fluffy no-brains-required TV.

Guess I'm less highly evolved than I thought.


  1. I was reading along waiting for the moment when you tied the elliptical and motivation to a spiritual truth and then I read Television and cracked right up. Thanks for making me smile.

  2. Another good reason to use least I'm not outside in the crazy cold/snow and dark trying to get in some exercise (like your BIL and SIL).


Let me know what you think - I love comments!