Saturday, January 29, 2011

Perfect Blogs and Jealousy

I have a confession to make.

I've become a bit of a blog-stalker.

Instead of doing all sorts of productive things in my spare time, I'm reading the blogs of others, getting ideas and generally creeping on other bloggers.  But I figure if you put it out there on the world wide interwebs, it's fair game, right?  Can I help it if your house renovation is totally my style?  Or if I want to learn exactly how many cleaning uses there are for vinegar?  Or that your pictures are so pretty that it makes me want you to take my picture in case I look that pretty too?

But I have a bone to pick with you bloggers, you DIY types that always have spare time, money and space for uber-cute projects...HOW IS YOUR HOUSE THAT CLEAN?

Am I just a destined-for-mess person?  Do people really have multi-layer table settings in the middle of the week?  Are your bathroom counters always free of beard hair?  (ok, that one may be specific to our household and even more specifically, my dear husband)

Now that I have that off my chest, I think I'll go do the dishes and then relax with my favorite guy in the world in our somewhat messy living room.  Because I'd rather spend my time with him.  And in the spirit of full-disclosure, this is what our dining room looks like on a normal day.

Disclaimer:  our home really isn't that messy, it's just not Better Homes & Gardens worthy...ever.  :)

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