Monday, February 21, 2011


I stress out way too much.

I worry.  I wake up early and run through a list of things happening that day and everything that could go wrong.  I replay old conversations imagining how they could have gotten better.  I am scared to death to fail, so I do everything within my power to avoid it.  I lie, making even the smallest failures the fault of someone, of something else.

And the thing is, is that I know that's no way to live.

Christ has set me free from all this, and still I choose to be a slave to it.  I know that no matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to achieve perfection, but that Jesus is perfect for me.  I need to daily try again to live in that instead in fear and worry.  I need to daily accept God's grace.  I also need to stop blogging when I have an excess of womanly hormones and time to myself, but that's besides the point.  Life isn't always pretty, my heart isn't always happy and oddly enough, I feel like this is one of the few outlets I have for letting all that out.  Mainly because about 5 people read this, and you all know and love me as I am. 

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  What slave, once freed went back to his master and willingly entered into bondage again? 

1 comment:

  1. 'making the smallest failures the fault of someone else...' I know all too well also my sweet girl. For me, it comes from feeling like if I fail, I won't be loved. Couldn't possibly be loved. And I have to remind myself everyday that I am, and will always be. What a wonderful picture of a slave returning to his master. Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding you and I are both loved. Just as we are. :)


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