Thursday, May 31, 2012


This past weekend, Hubs and I hit the road.  We got out of Dodge.  We ran away screaming from life with two other couples from our small group to Uncle Kevin's cabin.  Which is down by the river.  Sans van.

And it was glorious.

You may think less of me, but I'm going to be perfectly honest about this weekend.  I slept.  I ate.  I laid around and read 2 books (don't be too impressed, they were fiction).  We played games, kayaked and well, did nothing for a good bit of the time.

You're judging me, aren't you?  You think I should have been productive or at the very least, active on our weekend off? 

Judge your little heart out, sister.  It's not going to change the fact that I enjoy being very, very lazy and am going to soak up every opportunity that I can to do so.

It was freeing.  Relaxed doesn't even begin to describe the experience.  It was as if the river itself was slowly washing over my soul, carrying my cares and anxiety away.  You know that song, "I've got peace like a river in my soul"?  It's true, sister.  And this river was slowly meandering, taking it's good old time and reminding me to do the same.

Don't we all need that sometimes?

- JB

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